Notice of Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 31st July - 7.30 at the Rural Hall.
The meeting should only last half an hour or so, leaving us the rest of the evening to our ukulele thing!
The committee are currently putting an agenda together which will be sent out nearer the time.
If you have anything you would like included, please let me know.
We will need to appoint a new Treasurer, as Kathleen will be standing down.
Kathleen put a great deal of time and effort into setting up all the Policy Documents and getting us a bank account and I am extremely grateful for all her hard work.
Our Constitution requires us to have at least three Committee Members. It does not need to be too onerous a task. As we see each other most Wednesdays, formal Committee Meetings aren't often needed.
If you feel you could offer your help with this, please let me know.
Our Policy Documents can be viewed on the Group's website: