Hi Creakers, 

We weren't all blown up in the Fox this week despite going into the pub where there were signs everywhere advising their clientel that no food was being served due to a gas leak in the kitchen.  Guess where we chose to sit in this explosive environment - next to the fire!  We missed the food parcel courtesy of Andy's weekly food bank offerings as he had to head off home straight after the run.  In fact he was under strict orders to not even run this week whilst he recovers from a touch of the lurgy or maybe Wuhan disease.  It sounded like he was in for an impeachment process from mamagement at home when he returned for breaking running sanctions.  Andy was definitely under the weather on the run.  Three of us took the hilly option down to Coulsdon and Andy was heard to try and persuade us to take a short cut avoiding half of the hill.  Now that is definitely not our true Alpine Andy.  


Timing was perfect as the four runners going round on the hill finished concurrently with the hilly triumverate.  Our walking leader, Jon,  joined us afterwards but decided not to walk this week as his main rambling partner, Jerome, was absent somewhere up North filling his car boot with biscuits.  I think the run must have taken its toll on Mike as he decided to head butt the hanging lamp over our table in the bar.  Nothing unusual about that you may think  but when he hit it again on leaving maybe he really was a tad tired  Did it knock any sense in to the grey matter?  Was there any grey matter there in the first place?  Well, decide for yourself, but remember he did lead us to the table next to the fire.


We have been invited back to Andy's place for food after next week's run to celebrate his birthday  That presented a babysitting problem for Spreadsheet Sue, however Creakers came to rescue with all manner of inovative solutions which might not past muster with the Child Protection Agency but did give Sue something to consider.  So two weeks ago the boys voiced their expert knowledge of breast feeding and now demonstrated great diversity in their in child caring skills.  We have solutions to every aspect of parenting - you only have to ask


Next week we run from Andy's place, 32 Hilltop Walk, Woldingham, CR3 7LG.  Bring torches as we will be running on unlit roads probably down to Woldingham School.  Please let me know if you will be coming and staying for food and I will give numbers to Christine. 


No photo attachments this week due to the papperazzi having decamped to Vancouver.  


See you all next week




p.s. What did the policeman say to his stomach?  You're under a vest













e-mail :       michelle.brophy@virginmedia.com           

web:                         www.chaldoncreakers.co.uk


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Take care out there as usual.....