13th February 2008


Coes Meadow Management Committee

Minutes of meeting held 13/02/2008.

Present: Chris Leigh - Chair
Peter Fulcher - representative of BPC
Jeff Wright
Harry Wright
Sarah Carpenter
Niall Fraser

Apologies for absence from Emma Hamilton.

The committee discussed event possibilities. A possible date of 22nd June 2008 was discussed. (this is to be checked with other groups) Ideas were: a family fun day, possibly including a cricket match.

NF & SC said they would enquire about getting a donkey for children's donkey rides.

The safety aspects of the cricket match were discussed (softer ball etc).

CMMC have the offer of £1000.00 from BPC. This can be used for maintenance/ events etc.

Alan Burbidge has kindly agreed to continue carrying out safety checks on equipment   on a weekly basis. The committee wish to express their gratitude for the work he has done and for agreeing to carry on' doing this valuable job. He has also agreed to continue emptying the litter bins on Coes Meadow.

NF has agreed to provide safety tape to cordon off any equipment should the need arise.

It was agreed that all members of the committee are to accompany Alan on his next inspection. A priority is to assess the condition of the matting under the play equipment and on the car park.

Field Maintenance.
Information has been passed from Simon Harris to CL about the outstanding work. CL is to look into this.

1. Matting in the car park
2. Gate rota (SC weekday mornings, NF weekday evenings, HW & JW weekends)

Other items needing attention.
Basketball net (HW)
Surface markings for basketball area (CL to make enquiries)

Benches. There are 2 benches in Margaret Mills' barn. These need to be moved to the meadow and fitted.

Goal Post Sockets. The ground has eroded around the base of the posts and needs replacing ASAP. The net also needs replacing.

Pond maintenance to be discussed at future meeting.

Responsibility for maintenance of Lime Avenue. PF to check responsibility with BPC.

CL to discuss with Mike Crome the possibility of printing a list of The New CMMC committee members and contact numbers in the next "Whats On".

This list should also be put in the village notice board.

All correspondence ref Coes Meadow to go through chair CL.

NF suggested including some "green" projects such as bird and bat boxes. PF has contact with the Stour Trust and will make enquiries with them.

CL suggested that if we are to put up such boxes, then, maybe, the smaller children of the village could be involved.

Next meetings 12th March and 16th April 2008. Village Hall 7:30pm