Bulmer Tye Oblisk - Plough Green

 Sign on Plough Green, Bulmer Tye

This was built by resident builder Peter Rowe using hand made bricks from the Bulmer Brick & Tile Company located in Hedingham Road, thought to be one of only two brickyards located in the United Kingdom still making bricks individually by hand, from indivual moulds. For more details about this brickyard go to www.bulmerbrickandtile.co.uk


Peter Rowe building the signPeter Rowe building the sign

Peter Rowe constucting the sign using handmade bricks from Bulmer Brick & Tile Co.

Unvailing of the signUnvailing of the signUnvailing the sign, Bulmer school in attendance


When completed it was unvailed to a large number of Bulmer residents by Peter Rowe to the village along with the one in Bulmer Street unvailed by Don Macaree.

Front of obelisk Righthand panel of obelisk
The front section depicts the name of the village and includes reliefs showing St.Andrews church, a short distance away, a Bull believed to be where the name Bulmer is derived from, the Essex C C logo and the St. Andrews emblem. Peter has also added his initials and the date in the depiction of the church wall. On the righthand side is a depiction of farming history of the horse versus the tractor used for the main form of employment in Bulmer past, now very few people employed in farming, the tractor/machinery has won. Pictures of this past history can be found on www.bulmerhistory.co.uk.
Lefthand panel of obleisk Back panel of obleisk
On the lefthand side is a depiction of Thomas Gainsborough’s painting of Mr. & Mrs. Andrews in the grounds of the Aubries estate located in Bulmer, who were interned in St Andrews Church, a plaque can be seen above the choir pews.

The inscription reads "The ball atop of this sign once graced the old Bulmer school porch (built in 1840 near to the church).

Bulmer made and Bulmer laid.

These bricks of Bulmer's clay,
Minted by Minter,
Raised by Rowe,
Schoolpupils to show & Irene's art to show. 

Old photographs of the school can be found here at www.bulmerhistory.co.uk