14th May 2008



Wednesday 14th May 2008

Bulmer Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.

Present: Chris Leigh, Sarah Carpenter, Peter Fulcher, Jeff Wright, Harry Wright, Annie Reid, (plus two residents of the village)

1.            Apologies
Apologies were received from Niall Fraser.

2.            Maintenance
Maintenance had all been completed and signed off.

3.            Cricket Pitch Preparation
Niall and Harry and started work on the cricket pitch strip and spray marked lines.  They will cut the pitch as late as possible just before the Fun Day.   Harry had sourced a softer ball for the cricket.

4.            Basketball
The basketball net had been ordered and Chris will be receiving information to get the appropriate markings for the lines although there may be limited space for the whole grid to be marked up.

5.                Noticeboard
The noticeboard is leaking.  Chris has spoken to Barbara who has reallocated space until this has been repaired.

6.            Work Party
. There is a large area where the grass isn't cut behind the gate and it will require to be strimmed.
. Reeds - there is concern that if a digger is used it may puncture the clay lining. It was agreed to try dealing with them by borrowing waders to enable them to be pulled out.
. It was noted to ask Niall how to deal with the netting on the right by the hedge.
. Work party agreed for 24th June, commencing at 6.00 p.m. and Chris would speak to Tom/Irene/Margaret/Ken re volunteers to help.

7.            Nesting boxes
Peter Fulcher reported that Peter Innes has made a lot of templates for the Hadleigh show and if there are any left he would be happy to donate them.  As they will be in pieces we could make them up on the Fun Day.  Peter will contact Peter Innes following the Hadleigh show.

8.            Benches
The benches are in Margaret's garage and it was agreed to leave them until after the Fun Day as they will need to be concreted in.

9.            Fun Day -Sunday 29th June 1.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.


  • Donkeys - 4 donkeys (giving 14 trips/hour) Irene will be leading two of them so saving money in employing someone.  Insurance in place for £1m.
  • Cricket - stumps and bats sourced as well as a softer ball.  This is a light hearted event and it will be "tap it" - if outside the boundary you are out.  Two teams - to be drawn - area to be marked off - half an hour each team. Blackboard for scorer - batting side to score
  • Children's races - Sarah helping, e.g. egg and spoon, netball races, three legged, relay team and family relay.  Niall to mark out race area.  Dip into bucket of sweets for winners
  • Face painting - Hannah and Nina
  • Penalty shoot out - at the beginning of the afternoon 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m. - (donation of two £5 vouchers by the residents in attendance) Two penalty spots to be marked out.
  • Basketball - James to sort.  5 goes each and £5 voucher donated for the winner.
  • Lucky dip - lollipops, sweets, etc. - Annie to provide black dustbin and polystyrene chips required.
  • Boules - no longer happening
  • Pimms/non-alcoholic squash - Bulmer Fox are running the bar and are hoping to have Pimms umbrellas.  They will also have their chutneys on sale.
  • Strawberries and cream - Peter offered to go to Spencers to pick on the morning - Annie will contact Wash Farm in Sible Hedingham to check on price.  Chris will order the cream in large containers from the milkman.
  • Scones jam and cream.  Chris has 12 dozen offered - Annie agreed to provide a further 2 dozen.


  • Publicity - flyers had been produced by Harry and Chilton Office Supplies to print off.  Each child at Bulmer School and Bramley Hedge Nursery would take a flyer home.  Peter had one of the banners and this was to be placed on the grass verge.
  • Small A4 notices to be placed on the Meadow inviting anyone who uses the field to the Fun Day.
  • Megaphone to be borrowed if possible.
  • Sarah has a friend with a marquee size tent that we could borrow for the day.
  • Publicise to bring garden chairs

10.          Any Other Business


  • Wiles and Percy Brown Ltd. to be contacted for an estimate for the work to be carried out on the car parking area in the autumn.
  • Jeff to get a costing for the work required to replace the backing on the noticeboard for something more durable and to provide the name of the material to Barbara for the pinboards.
  • Peter said that following the PC meeting the question had been put that the meeting was a public meeting and should be put on the noticeboard.  It was noted that there were two people who were present at the meeting as "in attendance".
  • It was confirmed that Barbara had been provided with copies of the previous meetings.

11.         Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the CMMC would be held following the work party on Tuesday 24th June.

The meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.