11th November 2008


Wednesday 11th November 2008
Bulmer Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.

Present: Chris Leigh, Sarah Carpenter, Niall Fraser, Peter Fulcher, Jeff Wright, Harry Wright and Annie Reid

1. Apologies

There were no apologies.

2. ROSPA Report

The report stated that there was water at the car park entrance and the bottom of the post pegged. It was required that we site a notice stating "Do not swing on nets" and put caps on bolts. However, the inspector said that he thought the site looked very nice. Items requiring attention were:

  • car park
  • climbing frame notice
  • one more sign (same as the others) ? Simon Harris has spares or LAH signs in Gaol Lane - yellow on panels

3. Maintenance

It was reported that we had £1k as of February 2008.

There were three quotes for the work to be carried out on the car park:

  • Wiles - £1455 - they would hold quote for two months and if ordered by end of month they would hold the price.
  • Toppesfield £1950
  • Blackwells £2175

If the work is not carried out by Christmas, prices will go up and it was agreed to talk to Margaret (Parish Council) before end of the month. It was agreed to keep car park locked with a notice on the gate stating "Car park closed ­playground open - work in hand".

4. Field Inspections - Allan

Tony Dixey was to be approached to do the benches. Two lime trees were to be taken down the following week behind bungalow plus one on opposite side of the path. 75 Free shrubs had been given by Essex CC and Simon Harris had a planting scheme using mulch, netting and chippings from the lime trees that are to be taken down. Plants included dogwood, two spindle trees, 2 wayfarer trees and gelder rose.

It was planned for the last weekend in November to carry out the planting behind bungalows - two pears from Parish Council. The hedges require cutting off at height required and the reeds needed attention - suggested from middle of January but before March.

ACTION: Chris to contact Simon Harris regarding the wigwillow

Charlie had planted an acorn the previous day to plant on a park in 2010 - it was sadly thought not to be suitable on Coe's Meadow.

Bottles of wine were given to Allan for all his hard work during 2008.

5. Christmas Event

Christmas event had been called off due to lack of enthusiasm and also the Salvation Army band would be playing at Tesco's - hopeful to run this event in 2009.

6. Village Event

This was to be held on 13th and 14th June 2009 to include wine tasting and hog roast on the field behind the church and village hall. There would be a flower festival in church. It was agreed not to take part, as we are not here to raise money but free enjoyment for the village children.

7. Coe's Meadow Fun Day

The date was fixed for 6th September 2009.

8. Benches

Benches were to be replaced in the field ready for Spring 2009.

9. Any Other Business

There were problems with the padlock and it was hoped to find another key.

10. Date of Next Meeting - 20th January 2009