Happy New Year
On behalf half of your Committee may I wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year in 2024.
2023 continued to be a difficult time for the Branch with the ill health of two members of your committee together with an ageing and diminishing membership, contributed to a lack of social activity. Hopefully, the situation will improve during 2024 and we can start to get together again. Meanwhile, the firefighters charity are running a wellness group in Buckinghamshire for retired members and partners and all members are encouraged to attend.
Geoff Bowles
Membership Secretary/Treasurer, December 2023
Subscription Rate Increase
The subscription rate for NARF national membership was increased to £7 with effect from January 2021. This meant that the total subscription for Bucks NARF membership became £10.50 (£7.00 National, 0.50p District and £3.00 Bucks Branch) from this date. However, your Branch Committee agreed to absorb the increase for 2021 for existing members as at December 2020 so no action was needed to be taken by these members in 2021. However, action was required to ensure that the new rates were paid with effect from 1st. January 2022, including the need to amend existing standing orders. New members joining after 1 January 2021 were required to pay the new rate immediately. Whilst the majority of members have paid the new rate there are still a few who have not amended their Standing Orders. If you are one of those members please ensure you make the necessary change without further delay.
Geoff Bowles
Membership Secretary/Treasurer, December 2023.