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Croquet next meeting date


Next Croquet meeting this Friday July 5th at 6pm,  on the Rec (opposite the Binsted Inn)  Weather permitting...


Last Meeting

 Nail receiving his 20 yr award

 Nial getting lifetime membership award from Sue.. Thanks Nial for over 20 years hard work....


BT&CC 2024 Planning Meeting Rough Notes taken, thanks to all for the input

How do we widen our base and get more people playing both sports?

Facebook page, Binsted Magazine ad and article, extend to other villages (Hollybourne, Bentley, Alton), Round and About Mag, Community Facebook sites, Flyers, School? , Open Weekend, Upgrade / add new signage. Pub(?)

Tennis: Note we only have one court, so cant over play.

Add a ladies tennis section, like the Gents Tuesdays – Sue to investigate

Half Term specials for families


Another Croquet Session (Tuesday 5pm??) – reviewing now

School Holidays 

Coaching – revisit, but difficult to do unless people sign up and pay!

Other games on the court? Unlikely due to nature of the court and what would be needed.

Use Web more..GJ Investigating

Add WhatsApp(s) ?

Court status / maintenance needed – Agreed on Nials proposal Binder spray, colour / reline, C £3k plus Vat – Action

Grants available and on what ? Mike M agreed to investigate


Fees and Options for 24/25 season 

Agreed to keep the current structure for this season, but dropping the joint tennis and croquet discount, and introducing a couples discount for croquet...

New sign up form on web from March 1st - GJ

Online sign-up v Paper GJ Investigating

Tennis Booking System , big success - renewal and expansion

Increase in Charges from BPC - £450

New Contract agreed between BTCC and BPC.


Agreed Croquet launch to be announced after Easter holidays.