Project Allotment

Who is this guide written for?

  • Voluntary and community groups e.g. food growing groups from the Transition network who are planning to rent a plot/s on an allotment site.
  • Staff from voluntary agencies co-ordinating the rental of allotment plots on which to run educational or therapeutic growing projects e.g. MIND, refugee support groups.
  • Allotment associations and plotholders who would like to work together to deliver a project that would benefit their site.


What is an allotment?

An allotment plot is a piece of land, leased either from a private or local authority landlord, for growing fruit and vegetables for personal
and family use. The current standard plot size is 250 sq metres and an allotment site may contain as little as 6 or hundreds of plots, although plot sizes have grown smaller as demand for plots has grown.

Traditionally individuals have cultivated allotments, with some input from friends or family but, as recognised by the DCLG guide, ‘Space
for Food Growing’ (available at:, new users have now come on the
scene - from food growing collectives to therapeutic and educational schemes. These include day centres for people with special needs,
refugee projects, college training schemes and youth groups.

To read the full article, please click here: Project Allotment