Birdbrook Parish News
Up-to-date news about Birdbrook and some useful contact information.
Head To Toe Holistic
Birdbrook's own yoga & pilates group held every Monday night. 6-7pm Pilates 7-8pm is now a class called yogalates. Yoogalates is a fun class for all, combining the benefits of Yoga a Pilates. Benefits include; core strengthening, mindful breathing, increased flexibility, overall sence of balance & wellbeing. Individual classes £6 or £10 for both. For a full range of classes and treatments available please visit www.headtotoeholistic.uk
Meditation Group
Meditation group held in the Reading room at Birdbrook Community House on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 7pm as well as Thursdays from 1pm. Please contact Karey Meditation & Holistic Therapies Email- jeannette42@hotmail.co.uk for more details
A great site Dedicated to Birdbrook and it's history.
Birdbrook Bowls Club
Birdbrook Bowls Club are currently welcoming new members both social and players. The club has its annual open day coming up on April 28th from 12 noon, with FREE BBQ. Pop along and try your hand at bowls, learn a new sport and meeting the friendly members of Birdbrook Bowls Club. For more details please contact the club secretary via email birdbrookbowlsclub2024@gmail.com
Karate Club