No Press
Public in Attendance - Graham and Aylian Jeremy Crook, Phil Sutterby - No Press Present
Cllr J Reynolds - Chairman
Cllr R Lister
Cllr S Lander
Cllr Woodmore
Cllr D Caton
Debra Barrell - Parish Clerk
84/24 Chairmans Welcome
85/24 Apologies for absence. - P C Whittaker
86/24 Register of Interests Declaration - None
87/24 Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Parish Council Meeting on 9th September 2024 Signed by Chairman J Reynolds
88/24 Members Declaration of In interest In Agenda Items
90/24 Reports
Cricket club - Cllr J Reynolds - Cricket club is in the process of winding up and we are in the process of being taken over by the Old Chelmsfordians. they are happy to take over the lease and for fluppets to stay.
Defibrillator - None
Village hall - Regrettably they had to cancel the annual quiz in October the quiz master had a family emergency. they are hoping to have a christmas party sing along event on the 14th December 2024. advertised in the parish news. Could we please have feed back from residents of Athorpe Roding and Keers Green on how to use the village hall as there is little passing trade. They would like some feed back.
For 2025 they hope to start a table tennis club. They have 2 tables due to a grant received and would like to put on more activities. If you have other events you would like to hold please let them know.
91/24 Clerks report - email address parish council and councillors to have one.
Axe and Compass foot path due to be cut.
Drury Lane tree over hanging.
Parish forum - grants for community projects, carbon emisson reduction, Ecological restoriation and enhancement community engagement on claimate change. closing date 2nd Ecember 2024. net zero infrastructure projects, solar, led lighting and insulation, community nature areas, river restoriation, youth rewilding project farm cluster 5 to 10 volunteers to help establish sustainable uttersford/
92/24 Finance
Balance September 2024 £4041.09
Payments Made Clerks Salary £344.50
Castle Water £6.82
J Kenney Grass cutting £1128
Total £ 1479.32
93/24 Highways
School pick up times cars parked outside school and mini buses contacted head teacher Mr Rarty he argrees there is a problem at the pick up times with the children and parking needs to get councillor Barker involved to see if we can get this resolved.
94/24 Planning
Received late before meeting.
UTT/24/2865hhf 8th November 2024 Loves Farm Demolation of 20th Century rear two storey extension single rear extension. Conservatory altering the internal lay out replacing with rear two storey extension converting existing garage Mrs H Telfer.
95/24 TSB Forms
Cllr P C Whittaker to complete.
96/24 Correspondance
97/24 Recreation Ground
To be done up or see if we can obtain a grant
Meeting closed
Date of next meeting
13th January 2025