41/24  Chairmans Welcome

42/24 Abolgies and reasons for absence

43/24  Approval of Minutes 

Minutes of the previous Parish Council  Meetings on March 4th  2024 Signed by Chairman

44/24 Members Declaration of interests in Agenda Items  None

45/24  Public Representation  None

46/24  UDC and ECC Report

Chairman read this out as Cllr not able to attend the meeting.

Council tomorrow is debating a number  of items including the Highways insepection  regime. the proposed National Grid overland Power cables from Norwich to Tilbury which could affect many residents across Essex. who would prefer the route to around the coast and the importance of unpaid carer in our soceity  and how they should be supported. As well as business as usual  at Essex there is a major programme underway to with with providers to deliver many  more pre school places in  order that the free 15 or 30 hours a week childcare can be provided. Were parents decide to return to the work place. I now have some grant  money available and the  preference is  that this is spent on younger residents or those in need of support. Grant money for  getting  people more active is also available from London Marathon Events who are the parent  organsation of Ride  London which comes to Essex once again on 26th May 2024. I have only had one complaint about this event this year!


 Locally  I am able to get some potholes/ kerbs repaired as part of a Highways Member initative. if there are any in the Parish  please let me know.


Anyone can register to see whats going on  on One Net work

47/24 Reports 

Cllr J Reynolds - Cricket Club had their AGM 2 Months ago and advised the club may not continue due to lack of players. 

Village Hall  requested a report did not receive one but they have a new nuresery started

48/24 Defribillator 

Cllr Coward Whittaker advised it has not been used and the Chairman has the new pad to be fitted and the battery is at 50 percent.

49/24 Clerks Report

RBLI D Day 80th Anniversay they wanted to put signs around the village but we have no were for them to be put up we approciate all what they did.

EALC if we have any events or stories to be published must be 200 words and have photographs. The MP wanted to put a poster on our notice board but advised our board is too small.


Finances and Audit

Clerk and Chairman signed the Audit forms

Balance April 2024 £3.580.16

Defibrillator Pad £75.59

Castle water  £9.78 increase of £1.60

Audit £63.19

Clerks Salary £274.58


The road closures around the village and how far you have to drive to get to were you want to go. Need to speak to Cllr S Barker at the next meeting.

52/24 Planning


53/24 TSB forms

Received and completed and sent back to them Chairman wants someone else to help with the banking Clerk suggested Simone will speak to her.

54/24 Correspondance

One resident complanning abouth the Council Tax increase have advised  everything we have to pay for has increased and gave the Chairman and the resident each others  details to contact.

55/24 Verge

First cut to be done in May 2024

56/24 Litter pick 

9 Volunteers and 12 bags of rubbish we wish to thank Cllr Woodmore for all his hard work 

Information  exchange / next  agenda items only items for information and discussion  only. items that require a decision will be put on next agenda

See if we can get a grant for the recreation ground.

Parish news AGM 5th June Support and Listen.


Proposed date of next meeting 


8th July 7.30


57/24 Close Meeting 

