The Bus Timetables for Essex book costs £1 and the October 2010 edition is available from all Essex libraries, tourist information centres and many high street newsagents.

The next edition is due February 2011. 

For more information:

Telephone 0845 6000 110


Public Transport information


Bus times & routes                      Tel: 0871 200 2233 Online:
Traffic & travel advice Tel: 0845 6000 110 Online:
Bus times to your mobile phone Text - traveline to 84268

for a bookmark to use the traveline NextBuses service on your mobile phone brower - for bus departures and a local map.

Normal browing charges apply


This information is issued by Essex County Council, Passenger Transport who can be contacted in the following ways:


By post Passenger Transport, County Hall, Chelmsford CM1 1QH
By telephone 0845 603 7631
By fax 01245 496764
By email
Visit website