1. Chairmans Welcome
2. Apologies and Reasons for Absence
3. Aprroval of minutes of the last meeting 18th November 2024 AND signed by chairman
4. Members Declaration of interests in Agenda items
5. Public Representation
6. UDC And ECC Report
7. Reports
Village Hall
Cricket club
Defribrillator update
8. Clerks Reports - .gov email addresses quotes
9. Finance - copy of bank statement and Precept 2025
10. Highways
School Parking
Vegetation Problems 2864085 Axe and Compass footpath. they have asseessed my report and determined that the issue does not meet their minimum requirements to be recorded as a defect at this time or the issue may have already been resolved. During their routine safety inspection the area will be monitored to check if it has deteriorated. A future inspection may result in a new defect being raised.
11. Planning
Delegated Decision Meaning
By Officiers rather than Committees
12. TSB Forms
Completed by CLLR P C Whittaker
13. Correspondance
14. Recreation Ground
Proposed date of next meeting
15. Close Meeting