Health & Safety Policy
(Updated: September 2024)
Airthrey Spa Bowling Club recognises its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and accompanying legislation to ensure the following:
- To provide and maintain a safe Clubhouse and green, safe equipment and a safe environment for members and guests, particularly for volunteers working for the Club.
- To ensure hazards are identified and that there is a regular assessment of risks.
- To provide information, instruction and training as is necessary to ensure all can be assured of a safe and healthy working environment.
- To promote awareness of Health and Safety encouraging best practice.
- To ensure it takes appropriate protective and preventative measures.
- To ensure there is access to competent advice.
Organisation and Responsibilities
As a small organisation, the Club does not employ a health and safety officer, therefore the responsibility for ensuring that the Club complies with Health and Safety responsibilities is vested in the Club’s Management Committee and volunteers who will arrange for an annual pre-season risk assessment in April to ensure appropriate measures are in place to eliminate/mitigate risk. In addition, the committee include health and safety in the agenda at each committee meeting to ensure any risks/hazards that may not have been properly identified are brought up and actioned
The Club has identified the following principal areas and measures are in place to mitigate risk
- FIRE – All fire escapes are kept clear and usable at all times when the Clubhouse is in use. The fire extinguishers are inspected annually and serviced by qualified personnel. The club will take proper account of any advice given by the local Fire Service.
- SLIPS/TRIPS/FALLS – premises and greens are checked to ensure that potential hazards are appropriately marked and that any necessary warning signs are visible. An Accident Book is maintained in which all incidents are recorded.
- ELECTRICITY – electrical installations and portable electrical equipment are subject to periodic inspection and testing.
- HAZARDOUS MATERIAL – Any hazardous materials, such as might be used on the bowling green, will be stored securely and used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and current legislation and good practice.
- USE OF MACHINERY – all machinery and equipment including mowers and ancillary green equipment, is kept fully maintained and regularly serviced. First time users of machinery are trained and initially supervised by experienced operators.
- FOOD HYGIENE – kitchen facilities are maintained to a high standard and meet legal requirements. Members are aware of food hygiene requirements. Catering is under the control of a holder of a relevant and up to date, Food Hygiene Certificate.
- FIRST AID – The Club provides a First Aid Box which is regularly checked and replenished, and displays information on how emergency assistance can be obtained.
- ACCIDENTS - The Club will ensure that all accidents are properly investigated and appropriate corrective actions are taken. An incident book is maintained in the Clubhouse and this will be used as necessary to record any accidents etc. occurring, on or within the Club property
A short Health and Safety statement is displayed within the Club. Members are asked to familiarise themselves with the content and if necessary to draw the attention of Committee members to any areas of concern.
As a club member you have a duty to:
- Take reasonable care for your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or do not do
- Co-operate with the club on health and safety issues
- Correctly use all equipment provided by the club
- Not interfere with or misuse anything provided for your health, safety or welfare.
Club Health and Safety Officer :- L Bannon
First Aid:
Location of first aid facilities:- Door between main Clubhouse and ladies locker room
Location of Accident Book :- In First Aid box