CONSTITUTION 1995 - AMENDED November 2022


           1.1 The name of the Club shall be AIRTHREY SPA BOWLING CLUB.

1.2 The purpose of the Club will be to encourage bowling in the surrounding community, by the provision of facilities for outdoor bowling and the coaching of beginners.

1.3 Airthrey Spa Bowling Club is committed to equal opportunities and encourages participation and membership from all sections of the community. All applications for membership will be considered on an equal basis without regard to any discrimination whatsoever.  

Members within each category of membership will be provided with equal access to playing and nonplaying facilities.

 1.4 The Club is a non-profit making organisation. All profits and surpluses will be used to improve Club facilities.


 2.1 The membership of the Club shall consist of ORDINARY, YOUTH, HONORARY and SOCIAL MEMBERS and an HONORARY PRESIDENT nominated and elected by the Club as hereinafter determined.


3.1 ORDINARY: Nominees for admission to membership of the Club as Ordinary Members shall be over 18 years of age on 31 March in the year of nomination and election. Applicants must be submitted in writing, proposed by an Ordinary Member and seconded by another Ordinary Member, giving their contact information, including the name of the candidate, and must be lodged with the Secretary of the Club for consideration by the Management Committee. Thereafter and within fourteen (14) days the Management Committee of the Club shall consider the application and immediately inform the applicant of the outcome.

The management committee should communicate in writing to any applicants who have been refused membership to the club explaining the reasons for refusal.

 3.2 Ordinary Members shall be full members of the Club, entitled to hold Office in the Club and to attend and vote on all      issues pertaining to the Club at all General Meetings of the Club.

 3.3 YOUTH: All persons under the age of 18 shall be eligible for Youth Membership. Proposals must be made in writing        by an Ordinary Member, giving the candidates’ contact information, seconded likewise and lodged with the Club             Secretary for decision by the Management Committee.

  3.4 Youth Members shall become full members when subscription becomes due at the start ofthe season following their   18th birthday except that those not in regular full-time employment may be deemed to be Youth Members until the start of   the season following their 20th birthday, at which time they must convert to Ordinary Membership when subscriptions   become due.

  3.5 Youth members under 18 years of age shall not be entitled to vote or stand for any Club office other than those       relative to youth membership and policy.

   3.6 Until reaching their 18 birthday, Youth Members are prohibited from selling, buying, consuming, handling or procuring alcohol on the Club premises. Additionally, Youth Members are not allowed in or near the bar, with the sole exception of purchase of non-alcoholic drinks or sundry non-alcoholic items.

  3.7 Youth Members shall observe and be bound by the Club Constitution and Club Bylaws and shall be subject to a       proportional subscription fixed annually at the Annual General Meeting.

  3.8 HONORARY: Nominees for Honorary Membership shall consist of members whose services to the Club or distinction as bowlers for the Club, or services in the interest of the Club and in the game of bowls are such as to justify their consideration for approval by members entitled to vote at a General Meeting. Recommendations by the Management Committee shall be approved by those members entitled to vote at a General Meeting of the Club.

 3.9 Honorary Members shall have the same privileges and rights in all respects as for Ordinary Members, with, in addition exemption from payment of the annual subscription fee of the Club.

 3.10 SOCIAL: Nominations for admission to social membership of the Club shall be restricted to persons who are not bowling members of the Club and who on election will be limited to participation in the social activities of the Club.

Applications must be submitted in writing, giving their contact information and must be lodged with the Secretary of the Club for consideration by the Management Committee. Thereafter, an interval of not less than fourteen (14) days shall elapse between nomination and election by the Management Committee of the Club.

 3.11 Ordinary Members, who wish to change their membership to Social Membership, for whatever reason, need not follow the procedure laid down in the preceding paragraph. They need only advise the Secretary of the Club in writing of their wish to change their membership and pay the appropriate subscription.

 3.12 Social Members shall not hold office in the Club nor have any formal authority in the executive management and ordinary control of the Club and shall not be entitled to attend and vote at General Meetings of the Club but will be subject to a proportional annual subscription fee determined at the Annual General Meeting of the Club.

 3.13 Social Members will be entitled to use all the normal amenities of the Club premises and to make recommendations to, and to serve on, joint or special committees convened by the Management Committee of the Club but confined to matters relative to the social amenities and activities of the Club.

 3.14 HONORARY PRESIDENT: Nomination of the Honorary President shall be confined to Ordinary and Honorary Members of the Club and shall consist of a person who, in recognition of distinguished and meritorious service to the Club or to the game of bowls, is such as to entitle the person to this high honour. Recommendations by the Management Committee for such election shall be approved by those members entitled to vote at a General Meeting of the Club.

 3.15 The Honorary President shall have the same privileges and rights in all respects as for Ordinary Members within addition exemption from payment of the annual subscription fee of the Club.

 3.16 Upon the election of all Classified Members by the Management Committee of the Club the Secretary shall inform them of their election and of the amount of their annual subscription, payment of which shall entitle them to participate in the recreational and/or social activities of the Club.


 4.1 An Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held not later than the last day of November, for the purpose of hearing Office bearers and Stewardship Reports, nomination and election of Office Bearers, determination of resolutions and the transaction and ratification of other competent business.

 4.2 The Secretary of the Club shall give notice in writing of all General Meetings not less than ten (10) full days in advance of the date of the meeting, not including the day of delivery or the day of the meeting and shall include with the Notice of Meeting an agenda setting out the nature of the business to be conducted.

 4.3 All Ordinary, Honorary and Youth Members of the Club shall be entitled to be present at all Ordinary General Meetings of the Club with 25% of the membership, excluding Social Members and under 18 Youth Members, forming a quorum.


 5.1 The Management Committee of the Club shall by a simple majority vote have power to call a Special General Meeting of the Club at any time matters of importance require discussion and decision by members of the Club and shall likewise do so upon the requisition of seven (7) members of the Club, consisting of Ordinary Members who are not elected or co-opted members of the Management Committee.

 5.2 The Secretary of the Club shall give notice in writing of all such Special General Meeting not less than ten (10) full days in advance of the date of meeting, not including the day of delivery or the day of the meeting, and shall include with the Notice of Meeting an agenda setting out the nature of the business to be conducted and no question shall be discussed and no proposition voted upon which shall not have been clearly set out in the Notice of Meeting or agenda requisitioning the meeting.

 5.3 All Ordinary, Honorary and Youth Members of the Club shall be entitled to be present at all Special General Meetings of the Club with 25% of the total membership, excluding Social Members and under 18 Youth Members, forming a quorum.


 6.1 The Club shall be administered by a Management Committee nominated and elected by the Club as hereinafter determined.

 6.2 The Management Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, or at a Special General Meeting specifically called for that purpose and shall consist of CHAIR, PRESIDENT, SECRETARY, TREASURER, MATCH SECRETARY, GREEN DIRECTOR, WORKS DIRECTOR. The Management Committee will hold office for one (1) year at the end of which they shall submit themselves for re-election as under Rule 8.1 or retire from the Committee.    

6.3 The Management Committee shall meet for the transaction of Club business as such other intervals as may be determined by the Committee during the bowling season and in any event, not less than once per month and not less than once per two months during the winter season in any one year. Four (4) members of the Management Committee shall constitute a quorum.

 6.4 The Management Committee shall from time to time appoint sub-committees for the purpose of promoting and fostering the social and recreational activities and pursuits of the Club and shall appoint such Special Committees as are deemed necessary for the promotion and organisation of special events and activities, inviting members to provide delegates to those Committee, electing Convenors and agreeing a quorum.


 7.1 The whole property of the Club, both heritable and movable, shall be vested in the names of the persons holding office and elected at a General Meeting of the Club as members of the Management Committee, who shall have the power to sell, assign and convey all such property, including power to borrow on the security thereof and to grant all necessary Conveyances, Debentures or Bonds, but no conveyance of heritable property shall take place unless authorised by an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting specifically called for that purpose, at which no less than 25% of the total membership excluding Social Members and under 18 Youth Members shall be present, and not less than two thirds of those present and voting to do so in the affirmative for the motion to sell.

 7.2  The Management Committee shall have the power to transact all business requirements and all financial transactions of the Club, including the disposal of all movable property and the purchase of all machinery, tools and implements, garden seats, recreational equipment, fabrics, furniture and fittings, kitchen equipment, crockery and cutlery, bar equipment and all other material requirements for the efficient and effective running of the Club, including the purchase, lease or hire of all equipment, material and labour for the maintenance and horticultural treatment of the bowling green and environments.

 7.3 The Management Committee shall ensure maintenance of correct accounts and books showing a complete record of the financial affairs and intermissions of the Club, with an audited financial statement presented for approval and adoption at each Annual General Meeting and Special Meeting when required of the Club.

 7.4 The Management Committee shall frame all Bylaws governing matters concerning play on the green and the due regulations of the Game of Bowls, with a copy of the Bylaws being exhibited in a prominent place in the Club premises at all times, and shall adopt whatever reasonable measures it deems expedient and desirable for the advancement of the recreational and social activities of the Club, not inconsistent with the dictates of this Constitution Rules and Regulations.

  7.5 The Management Committee shall have the power to engage a green keeper for the purpose of maintaining the bowling green and surroundings and to employ such temporary labour as may be required for seasonal and unforeseen purposes and shall determine the terms of contract of employment and the financial remuneration.

 7.6 The Management Committee shall have the power to expel any undesirable member, whose annual subscription shall in such case be forfeited to the Club and to determine all disputes arising from matters concerning members and visitors' activities which fall within the jurisdiction of the Club. The member has the right of appeal.


 8.1 The office bearers of the Club shall be the Management Committee as indicated under Clause 6.2. They shall be eligible to hold office for one (1) year at the end of which they must stand for re-election or retire.

 8.2 Nominations for Office Bearers and the Management Committee may be made in writing prior to the AGM, or at the AGM, all nominations to have the prior approval of the nominee, to be seconded and to be voted upon at the AGM.

 8.3 The Management Committee at any time shall have the power to co-opt any club member to serve as a Committee    Member in place of, or additional to the existing Committee.

 8.4 An Auditor shall be appointed at The Annual General Meeting for the purpose of providing an independent audit of the Club's financial records.


 9.1 The Club shall be affiliated to Bowls Scotland and shall comply with the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of Bowls Scotland, and shall be in membership of such other Bowling Associations as may from time to time be approved by the Management Committee of the Club.

 9.2 The Club shall at all times comply with the 'Laws of the Game'. Regulations governing Open Tournaments and Association Championships as formulated by Bowls Scotland.

 9.3 Members of the Club taking part in Open Tournaments in Scotland shall be held responsible for ensuring that the tournament has been licensed by Bowls Scotland and any player taking part in an unlicensed bowling event shall be liable to be suspended from taking part in all forms of bowls organised by, or under the auspices of Bowls Scotland.


10.1 The Annual Subscription for all membership classifications shall be determined at each Annual General Meeting of the Club and SHALL BECOME DUE NO LATER THAN 15TH MARCH.

 10.2 The Youth Membership fee shall be a portion of the Ordinary Membership fee as decided by members at the Annual General Meeting.



11.1 Members wishing to resign from the Club must do so in writing to the Secretary or Treasurer of the Club NOT LATER THAN THE OFFICIAL OPENING DAY OF THE BOWLING SEASON (APRIL/MAY) as determined by the Management Committee of the Club and failing which the member may be liable for ensuing year's subscription up to date of the current year's Annual General Meeting (November), but any member resigning after having paid the annual subscription, BUT NOT LATER THAN THE LAST DAY OF JUNE OF THE SAME SEASON, may make application to the Management Committee for a possible rebate on the amount


 12.1 All classified members of the Club shall be entitled to invite friends to the Club, who shall be permitted to use the recreational and social facilities of the Club as in all respects for the member making the invitation, with the important proviso that members so doing shall not misuse the privilege and shall at all times obtain the approval to bowl from the Greenkeeper or an official of the Club but with the friend being considered a guest of the Club.


 13.1 Visitors to the Club shall be permitted to play on the green with the important proviso that permission must be obtained from an official of the Club and on payment of a fee predetermined by the Management Committee.


 14.1 No member of the Management Committee of the Club and no manager or servant employed in the Club shall have any personal interest in the sale of alcoholic liquor therein or in the profits arising from such sale.

            14.2 No alcoholic liquor shall be sold or supplied in the Club to any person under 18 years of age.

 14.3 No person under 18 years of age shall be admitted as a member of the Club, except for the purpose of the pursuit of the game of bowls.

 14.4 No alcoholic liquor shall be sold or supplied in the Club premises for the consumption off the premises, except to a member of the Club in person for consumption by him/her or to a person holding a licence or a Wholesaler's Excise License for the sale of such liquor.

 14.5 A visitor shall not be supplied with alcoholic liquor in the Club premises unless on the invitation and in the company of a member and that member shall upon admission of such visitor to the Club premises, immediately upon his/her being supplied with such liquor, enter his own name and address and the name and address of the visitor in a book which shall be kept for the purpose and shall show the date of each such visit.

 14.6 The Club shall grant admission to the premises of the Club all persons who are members of another Club, for the sale and supply of alcoholic liquor to such persons by or on behalf of the Club on the premises if the other Club is a registered Club whose premises are in the locality and are temporarily closed.

 14.7 The aforesaid members of another Club shall be permitted to invite guests for consumption of alcoholic liquor on the premises of the Club subject to the same conditions as apply to members of the Club and their guests.


 15.1 No new Rule and Regulation shall be introduced or amended or alteration made to any existing Rule or Regulation of this Constitution, unless properly determined at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting, and unless proper notice of the motion has been given in writing to the Secretary of the Club not less than three (3) weeks prior to the Annual or Special Meeting and unless notice of such meeting has been given in writing to all members eligible to attend the Annual or Special Meeting in strict accordance with the clauses of this Constitution Rules and Regulations, and when less than twelve (12) members are present and the motion receives less than a two-thirds affirmative majority of the members present and voting.

 15.2 SUPPLEMENTARY BYELAWS: The Management Committee shall have the power to introduce a set of Byelaws to implement the general policy and to facilitate the day to day running of the Club, and whilst retaining the right to make, amend or rescind these Byelaws, they must not negate, alter or nullify the meaning or intention of this Constitution Rules and Regulation.


 16.1 The foregoing Constitution Rules and Regulations shall at all times conform to the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 and any subsequent revision during the period a Certificate of Registration is valid under the Act.

  16.2  Any changes made to the Constitution Rules and Regulations of the Club or to the personnel of the Management Committee appointed in accordance with Clause 6.2 shall be intimated to the Registrar forthwith, as required by the above Act and any subsequent revision.


 17.1   If, at any General Meeting of the Club, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Club, the Secretary shall immediately convene a Special General Meeting to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.

17.2   If at that Special General Meeting, the resolution is carried by at least two-thirds of the members present, the Management Committee shall thereupon, or at such date as shall have been specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club.

17.3 Funds available after making provision for all debts and winding-up expenses shall be distributed between full and honorary members of 2 years and over continuous membership up to a maximum of 15 years at the date of the dissolution who shall benefit pro rata in the disbursement of available funds and assets excepting that if a majority of the said members so vote, part or all of the said funds may be paid to one or more other non-profit-making bodies or charities of the members’ choice. Any person ceasing to be a member of the Club shall forfeit all rights to any claim upon the Club, its property and funds. Should any member die between dissolution and payment of such benefit, that benefit shall go to the Member’s estate. Social members who were previously full members shall have their years as a full member credited for the purpose of disbursement of funds.