Purpose: To ensure enjoyable and safe cycling for all riders
- Each rider is responsible for their own safety
- Be aware of road conditions and traffic and take appropriate precautions.
- Ride single file on busy roads or where necessary.
- Pull in or off the road to allow waiting traffic to pass.
- Take extra care at major crossroads or junctions.
Personal Health: Ensure you are fit for the ride, which can be 30-40 miles with hills. Bring personal medication as required and a first-aid kit if possible.
Bicycle Health: Keep your bike in good condition. Carry a spare inner tube, pump, and tools. Know how to fix a puncture.
Visibility: Consider wearing bright clothing and charge your bike lights.
Navigation: Be able to navigate home if separated from the group. Inform others if you get lost, or if you decide to leave the ride.
Buddy System: Members can ask to buddy up with someone to avoid being left alone.
Accidents: Prioritise the well-being of anyone involved in an accident. Call an ambulance if you have concerns and stay with the injured person.
Other safety concerns: Speak up on the ride, and raise with ride leader if necessary.
Contact Details: Provide emergency contact information at the start of your first ride.
Listen: Respect and listen to the ride leader.
Courtesy: Allow motor vehicles to pass safely. Keep the road clear at stops.
Rest Stops: Stop periodically to let everyone catch up. Always stop well away from junctions and pull off the road if possible.
Route Following: Follow the ride leader or take responsibility for your own navigation.
Backmarker: Help out if asked to act as a backmarker.
Leading a Ride
Leading: The ride leader is there to plan and help others navigate the route,
Volunteer: Everyone is encouraged to lead rides, but it is optional.
Information: Share ride details in advance on the WhatsApp Group, on the website, and before you set off.
Group size: If numbers exceed 15, consider splitting the ride and identify a second leader.
Navigation: Help others navigate the route. Be patient if issues arise.
Weather: Cancel or postpone rides if weather conditions are considered unsafe.