It is lovely to conduct many Christenings each year in a service of Baptism and we look forward to welcoming you and your family for a happy service of celebration in this church.  Baptisms are usually held during our Sunday morning services but may occasionally take place after the service, at the discretion of the Rector.  

There is no cost for baptisms/christenings; however, we take a collection during a hymn to help towards the upkeep of the church, heating, lighting costs and its mission. We offer families special time at the end of the service to take photographs around the font or in front of the altar.

Anyone can be baptised/christened at any age, from birth upwards.  The usual number of Godparents is 3, and all must be Christened. More information is available from the Church of England website.

Requests for a baptism are made by contacting the Rector to choose a mutually convenient date and time.  Our Rector is the Rev. Caren Topley who can be contacted on 01462 615499 or by email to

For further details please see our Baptism Policy.