Posted by Plymouth Music Accord on

In order to achieve a full screen width banner image I am using a high quality image as background in a background-begin includelet. Despite uploading at 2048px width, the rendered images on the website seem less sharp than the original. I understand the need to minimise filesize but is there any control over the image quality?

Posted by Joe Oldak on

I've made a change so that Background Image uses a higher res image when the browser is wide.

The difference is reasonably subtle, but I can see that on the PMA homepage the main banner image changes as I make the browser wider and narrower. It occurs at the same time that it jumps to a narrower size (also when the navbar goes onto two rows).

This change is for all sites that are using Background Image includelet.

At the narrower browser size the image uses the standard width of images from the assets library, max 1140 pixels wide. When the browser is wide the image is a larger version, max 2000px wide.

You don't need to re-upload any image assets (though you can if the originals are less than 2000px wide to see if you see more of an improvement!)

