Posted by JoMaye on

Thanks Joe. I'd forgotten there was a google translate includelet when I was rushing to try to improve our accessibility.

It's great having it on the homepage but it only changes the language for that page. I've tried inheriting it to subpages but I think I'm doing it wrong as I can't seem to get it working on any of the options.


Posted by Joe Oldak on

On your test site I've put it into the right column and set it to inherit to the top. This works fine but has a few drawbacks:

  • Some pages don't look good with the right column added, such as "Meet our team" and "Carers' Support".
  • There's still some layout shift in the right column as the widget loads (though better than it was!)
  • If it's at the top of the column maybe it's too intrusive, and if it's at the bottom maybe it's too hidden?
  • It doesn't appear on non-CMS pages.

So not a resounding success, you might say! You could experiment with different placing - such as in the footer?

I would question whether the widget is really necessary. I'm not really sure it helps accessibility - I think there are browser plugins these days that do a similar but better job. (And so presumably if your first language wasn't English you'd be quite likely to have this plugin?)

The Google Translate widget is in fact no longer supported by Google - so it seems they agree!

I'd be happy to consider alternatives if it can be justified as being of value.

We did look at adding it as a standard option to the new Clarity theme (it would live in the grey bar next to the login/admin buttons) but in the end went without it for the above reasons.



Posted by JoMaye on

That's very interesting and I'm inclined to agree - if google don't think it's the right solution, then neither do I!

Thank you so much for your time and thoughts on this.