
We have an RSS Feed of our noticeboard on our homepage but it is showing duplicate entries. It's also not showing the most recent. What am I doing wrong?



Posted by Joe Oldak on

This seems to be a problem with the News Aggregator and the RSS feed generated by the Noticeboard, and not something that you've done wrong!

The duplicates are caused because it's showing one entry for each of the http and https versions of the page.

Also the feed seems to be missing some entries, even though they are obviously there in the Noticeboard.

I will look into these problems with the News Aggregator and apply a fix when it's sorted.




Posted by Joe Oldak on

Hi again Jo,

There seemed to be a couple of oddities here with the noticeboard RSS feed - I think because the feed had been subscribed to using the http (not https) URL (probably before Voice supported https), it ended up with duplicate items in the feed, sometimes with http and sometimes https.

Also there was an item with a "smart" apostrophe that was causing the feed to not parse correctly, so I changed that.

Anyway, long and short of it is, I went into the feed settings, removed the old subscription, added a new subscription with the https url, and it seems to be working great, and your homepage now has the latest news items listed!



Posted by JoMaye on

Thanks Joe. I now have an issue with it not updating. Do you have any ideas?



Posted by JoMaye on

I was hoping this would solve itself but the news includelet on the homepage isn't showing any new stories. I've tried relinking the RSS feed but that hasn't helped. Can you help?



Posted by Joe Oldak on

Hi Jo,

I've fixed this problem - it was that the RSS feed generated by the weblog/noticeboard app was invalid when there were right/left curved quotes - like ‘ and ’ in the post title.

This is now fixed, so the feed is updating correctly!



Posted by JoMaye on

Thank you very much!