September 2018 

FoHP back up and running. First meeting held with long term plan to follow. All invited, please come along and get involved


December 2015

1500 bulbs of varying varieties including daffodils, narcissi, hyacinths, umbellatum and libanotica were planted by The Friends in the planting beds on each side of the access drive leading from the gate into the Park.

The bulbs were given by Taylor Bulbs of Spalding in Lincolnshire under the Bulbs for London Initiative 2015.


November 2012 

104 trees were planted as a hedge by The Friends and the BTCV this month in the dog free area, following a successful bid to the Woodland Trust.





October 2011

Extensive planting has been carried out during October 2011 to the landscape area bordering the access drive. These perennials will establish and provide an improved appearance to the entrance of the park and will help to provide refuge for birds.