

Wrangle is a village in the Borough of Boston, County of Lincolnshire, England.  It is situated astride the A52 approximately 9 miles from Boston and, at this time, has a population of 1375, as listed in the 2021 Census, a slight decrease since the census of 2011.  There is a Parish Church (Anglican), a Methodist Chapel (recently closed) and a Primary school.  Secondary education is provided by an Academy in the nearby village of Old Leake.  Additionally, there is a parish hall and a public sports field with a childrens play area and outdoor gym facilities.  Retail facilities are provided by a General Store with Post Office, a Farm shop on the village outskirts and a Public House (The Angel) which provides visitor accommodation. There are a number of small to medium businesses in the village and the surrounding countryside, primarily agricultural and horticultural.

A regular bus service is in operation providing public transport to Skegness and Boston and a daily service to London.

G.P. medical services are available in the nearby village of Old Leake with a major hospital in Boston and a cottage hospital in Skegness.


The Village Sign.

The village sign is displayed on the Home page and depicts the following:-

The Ship - Wrangle had a harbour and commercial port in use until approximately A.D.1550 when the building of the dyke system cut off access to the sea.  At one time it was recognised as the third most important commercial port on the Lincolnshire coastline.

The Marquee - The Wrangle village show has been held in the village since the 1800's and was the site of one of the first Lincolshire shows. Initially it was a display of the skills required in farming, particulary ploughing wih horse and single blade plough but, over the years, has developed to include stalls, handicrafts and numerous displays and commercial enterprises.

The Mill - There are two mills in Wrangle, the most obvious being the Black Mill (the Toft Mill) and, a short distance, away, the Wrangle Mill.

The Geese - For many years Wildfowling was an important occupation although it is now more about the Bird Sanctuaries along the coastline. The Canada Geese depicted are the manufacturers choice.

The Church - is at the centre of the old village and is the centrepiece of the sign.

The Ploughman - with his shire horse celebrates farming, the main occupation in the parish and the display of vegetables and cereals to the bottom left of the sign emphasise the quality of the soil and crops produced.