Wildings WI is an online Women's Institute hosted by the West Sussex Federation of WIs but open to all women, wherever they are. Our monthly meetings are held on Zoom at 10am on the 4th Saturday of the month. You'll see from our Events Calendar, that we also have some interest groups that meet on Friday evenings.

The advantages of meeting online are that our members can live (or be staying) in various parts of the UK, even abroad; we don't have to get dressed up (some of us are big fans of our pyjamas) or go out in the cold and dark.

Each meeting has a theme. A short film, a talk or a presentation that is followed by a discussion or quiz.

If you already belong to a Face to Face WI or another Virtual WI, you can join us a Dual Member. All you need is to be able to get online. Don't worry if you have not used Zoom before, we will guide you through the process.   There is no pressure to speak, or have your camera on and Zoom allows closed captions for the hard of hearing.

We'd love to see you at one of our meetings - you're welcome to come as our guest, free of a charge, before deciding whether or not to become a member.

Email our President, Cheryl, at wildingsvwi@wsfwi.co.uk or message her through our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Wildingsvwi