WAA AGM - 1st September 2023 - Agenda and supporting ‘pre-read’ documents

Dear WAA members


The WAA AGM will be held in the Wembury Memorial Hall, Knighton Room on Friday, 1st September, 7:00pm (prompt) start. If you wish to send apologies for your absence, may I ask that you do so by email before 12:00pm on the day of the meeting.


I am pleased to attach the following documents which I would ask you to familiarise yourselves ahead of the meeting:

- Agenda

- Minutes of 2022 AGM

- Treasurer’s Report

- Proposed revision to WAA Tenancy Agreement

 (Documents posted in OUR FILES section of this website

Cake, tea and coffee will be available. I look forward to seeing you on Friday evening.


Best regards


Martin Harrison

Secretary, WAA