Resources and Contacts



  1. National Allotment Society (NAS): The official website of the NAS offers a wealth of information, advice, and resources for allotment holders. They provide guidance on allotment gardening, legal matters, events, and community support. We are affiliated to the Society and members of WAA can enjoy certain benefits from time to time.Visit:

  2. Royal Horticultural Society (RHS): The RHS website has a dedicated section on allotments, offering expert advice on growing fruits, vegetables, and flowers. They provide tips on soil preparation, crop rotation, pest control, and more. Visit:

  3. The Allotment Garden: This website offers practical advice and inspiration for allotment gardeners. They cover topics such as planning your plot, growing specific crops, and tackling common gardening challenges Visit:

  4. Garden Organic: Garden Organic is a charity that promotes organic gardening methods. Their website provides resources specifically for allotment holders, including tips on organic pest control, composting, and seed saving. Visit:

  5. Allotment Book Uk: If you're looking for ideas on what to cook with your homegrown produce, this website provides a collection of delicious recipes using fruits, vegetables, and herbs from the allotment. Visit:

  6. National Trust: Our "landlord". National Trust, formally National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, is a charity and membership organisation for heritage conservation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Visit:

  7. Wembury Parish Council: Their website. Visit:

  8. The community shed and polytunnel community fund award details

  9. Wembury Community Orchard information

Useful Contacts