WaterCAN members' recommend... 

Below is a developing compendium of media which have influenced WaterCAN members around all things green.

Have you been inspired to make more sustainable changes?

  • Shocked by a documentary about the current state of our planet?
  • Inspired by a book about the climate emergency?
  • Wowed by an art installation that spoke a thousand words?
  • Spurred on to green action by a podcast? 

If the answer is yes, then we'd like to hear from you.

Email  with details (title, author, date) plus a short explanation about why it is important to share your choice(s) with the wider community on the Waterside.

Your choice(s) could get published! 

Don't Look up

Film poster image for Don't Look Up

What will it take to get the world to act on climate change?

With only six months until a comet makes impact, managing the 24-hour news cycle and gaining the attention of the social media obsessed public before it's too late proves shockingly comical in this 2021 film - what will it take to get the world to just look up?


Film poster for Seaspiracy

This 2021 film (available on Netflix) is passionate about ocean life. A filmmaker documents the harm that humans do to marine species - and uncovers alarming global corruption. 

Kiss the Ground

Film poster for Kiss the ground

Kiss the Ground (2020; Netflix) is a film which gives science experts and celebrity activists a platform to unpack the ways in which the earth's soil may be the key to combating climate change and preserving the planet.

Narrated by Woody Harrelson, this doc features interviews with Gisele Bündchen, Tom Brady and Patricia Arquette.

Tree Art

Tree carved into a seat

This little seat, spotted on a walk, is a source of inspiration and creativity. Granted, the saplings need pruning, but this is nature providing a resting place for us all and a chance to catch our breath!

Did you know that the Woodland Trust are giving away hundreds of thousands of trees to schools and communities?

Choose your pack(s) from the Woodland Trust and fill out their application form today. 2 deliveries are made a year (March and November). The Trust are currently taking applications for tree packs to be delivered in March 2024.

Street Art

Elephant mosaic

This Elephant mosaic can be found in East Park, Southampton. Many more mosaics that celebrate the natural world can be found under foot if you go looking. 

Elephants have been driven to the brink of extinction by poaching so being reminded of how majestic this creature truly is was very special, even in Southampton town centre.

Our local street artists in Hythe showed how greed can destroy this beautiful creature -this street art could be seen until recently behind The Glen, off Forest Front in Dibden Purlieu.

Greedy man shooting elephant

The Lorax

Picture of the Lorax

One for the younger generation perhaps, but this film still explores our relationship with the planet in a really meaningful and entertaining way.

This 2012 film stars a 12-year-old boy searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world.

The Great Climate Fight

Channel 4 logo

Climate change can be stopped and the solutions could benefit us all. Kevin McCloud, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Mary Portas urge government to act, and save us money at the same time.



BBC Sounds 'Food for Life' podcast by Tim Spector

Speaker icon

Epidemiologist Professor Tim Spector offers a new approach to how to eat - for our health and the health of the planet. 

Our choice to eat something is affected by budget, preferences, advertising, labelling, trends, and even DNA, amongst many other things. But how much do we consider the 'risk' of certain foods? And what makes them risky? In a world of 'breakthrough science' and globalised food trade, how can we be confident about the food we eat being what it says it is?

Listen to 10 episodes (14 mins each) which explore:

Ep 1 How we choose food
Ep 2The Magic of Mushrooms
Ep 3 Eat the Rainbow
Ep 4 Tastes like Chicken
Ep 5 Says it on the Label
Ep 6 Something Fishy
Ep 7 Eating Green
Ep 8 Telling Dairy tales
Ep 9 The Future of Food
Ep 10 Sweet Treats