Poster for Surfers Against Sewage talk

Surfers Against Sewage

Monday 29 April 2024
19:00 to 21:00

Lee Attrill, one of the reps for Surfers Against Sewage, will be speaking about the issues we face along our coast line. In 2022 sewage was discharged across the UK 399, 864 times at a conservative estimate.

Concerned about the impact sewage and other harmful practices have on ours oceans, Lee will talk about why he wanted to become a south coast rep for Surfers Against Sewage. What started as a hobby with his son and two nephews through his online shop 'Sea Ranger', his involvement has grown into a much bigger mission. By becoming a rep he can make a bigger difference as Surfers Against Sewage are recognised all over the UK.

Check out our website or facebook page for further information from their 2023 report.  

Refreshments on sale at cafe in Hythe Library (50p per cup), and a warm welcome. We will be charging £1.00 for this and further sessions in order to cover expenses. The ticket will give free entry to WaterCAN fund raising raffle. We hope you will join us. PLEASE COME TO THE SIDE DOOR OF THE LIBRARY.

It would be very helpful if you can reply to (or if you intend to come and bring a friend, as numbers will decide the future venues that are the most suitable.

Contact Philip Dowd
Hythe Library
38, Pylewell Road,Hythe
SO45 6AQ
(view map)
Cost £1.00