News - January 2018
Review of December 2017
December was an extremely busy month in the church and we thank all those who helped in any way. The Christmas Tree Festival kicked off on 7th with the official opening by the Deputy Mayor and included the Epsom Male Voice Choir singing Christmas carols.
Friday 8th saw Santa greeting about 80 children from Epsom Primary Reception and SureStart and they really enjoyed it. Our dinner and cabaret took place in the evening and was a great success socially, but unfortunately didn't raise as much for church funds as we had hoped. Good food, wine, cabaret and company certainly made it something which we would like to repeat again.
Saturday 9th was an all-day stalls event – with several charities joining us. Our stalls and raffles took in over £600 – which is very heartening.
Sunday 10th we concluded the event with the St Lucia Christingle Children’s Service, with Sarah Kind taking the lead part. Although it was not well attended it was a really beautiful service.
Our Carol Service on 17th was a lovely affair ending with mulled wine and mince pies. Thank you to all who helped with a special word of thanks to our musicians - Sarah, John and Ruth.
The Crib Service saw about 100 adults and children attending. This is one service which the community really enjoys and this year was no exception.
On Christmas Day we had the Sunday School deliver a really enjoyable sketch. We seem to have such great acting talent in our church – perhaps we will see a play one of these days!
Next PCC meeting is 17th January. If you have any issues or concerns then please don’t hesitate to speak to Michael or the Churchwardens.
Pastoral Visit: If you would like a pastoral visit, or know of anyone living in the parish who would appreciate a pastoral visit, please either contact Father Michael or the church office.
Diary for January 2018
Wednesdays: 9.30am Holy Communion, 7.30pm Holy Communion, 8pm Bible Study (not 10 or 17 January)
Thursday 4th: 11am Coffee Morning
Wednesday 17th 8pm PCC Meeting
Friday 19th: 2pm Knit and Natter
Bible Study: Every Wednesday at 8pm (not 10 or 17 January).
Readers and Intercessors: The January-March list is in the narthex. Please sign up if you are able to do a reading or prayers on any Sunday.
Church website: We have a new website on the existing web address: You will find prayers, the monthly notices and information about upcoming events. The website is still evolving so if there is anything you would like to see added, please speak to Father Michael or Janice Pond.
Clearing up in Church: We will be taking down the Christmas decorations, star and tree after morning service on the 7th and would be grateful if you could stay behind to help.
Parish Prayer Chain: Together We Can Make a Difference
Please sign up to prayer triplets – list in the narthex.
Birthdays this month: 4th Maria Harman
10th Gwen Hoad
12th Sue Bull
16th Isabel Hindmarsh
26th Marie Lambert
Sick List: We miss Doreen and continue to pray for her throughout her treatment. We also include in our prayers Eva Wood, Alan, Penny Spring, Robert Campbell and Heather Pryce.
Donation by Insurers to St Barnabas: Our insurers, Ecclesiastical, will donate £130 to St Barnabas for every parishioner who takes out insurance with them on or before 31 October 2018. Full details on the notice board.
Epsom Passion Play: Once again Churches Together in Epsom will be staging the play on Good Friday next year. This incredible act of community witness relies on the help and support of volunteers from local churches.
Suggestions: If you have any suggestions or ideas for our monthly parish news then please speak to Michael, Hilary or Ruth.