In February 2024, a group of us - Rev Julia Baldwin, Andrew Barnard, Sue Woodhead, Shaun Firth and Adrian Graves - formed the St Mary's Church Matching Restoration Appeal Fundraising Committere when it became apparent that the church was in need of funds to carry out urgent repairs to the structure of the building.

One of our first actions was to commission a video setting out the background and aims of the Appeal. This video is available to view on this website and on our Facebook page.

Since then there have been several successful fundraising events which have now raised a total of £108,178. The Appeal Fund has already contributed to the cost of urgent repairs to one of the walls of the church together with money from our Parochial Church Council. After this expenditure, allowing for expenses associated with various fundraising events, the Fund now has a balance of £84,209

Our main fundraising events during the last year have resulted in the following profits after expenses:

* Brass band concert:  £1,992

* Draw for week in luxury villa: £13,135

* Gala dinner: £25,131

None of this would have been possible without the generous support of our church and local communities. We also need to thank The Friends of Matching Church and Ancient Marriage Feast Room and the members of Matching Green Cricket Club for their continuing support.

During early January 2025, two large funerals took place at the church and the collections after the services were very generously donated to the Appeal Fund. These collections amounted to £9,004

Another source of funds has been and continues to be a splendid scale model of the church. This was constructed by Chris Rice ( and the painting and stonework by Penny Graves ( The model is on display in the church and we are taking it to local events such as the Matching Farmers Market and fundraising events. People are being encouraged to sponsor a tile for the model roof. All those buying a tile will be able to have their names displayed in a framed document to be displayed in the church.  The model of the church has so far raised the amazing amount of £3,257

We will continue to arrange some fundraising events during 2025 and we will also be concentrating on applying to various organisations for grants.