A good time was had By all at RHS Bridgewater on Saturday 25th June.

33 members of Shevingtonn Garden Club trvelled by coach to RHS Bridgewater last Saturday. Because the garden club is affiliated to the RHS our members could enter for free. Our coach party was greeted by one of the Bridgewater guides who explained to us were everything was. After the meet and great our members went there own way to explore the gardens and some joined a guided tour later on.

The gardens themselves are a real credit to the RHS staff and volunteers. You can spend two or three hours just looking at the walled gardes alone. Beyond that there is plenty of open space that includes two lakes a Japanese garden and woodland plus a childrens play area. If you don't want to queue at the resteraunt, you can take sandwiches and there are vans dotted about where you can get a drink. And if you want to eat al fresco there is plenty of seating.

I can certainly recommend it and I'm sure the Garden Club will be visiting again in the future.