We would like as many members of the Chadderton Community to become members of the New Chadderton Partnership.
Benefits of Free Membership
1) You can recieve communications regarding the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Chadderton through a Neighbourhood Forum
2) The opportunity to join a community of residents who see the benefits in more community influenced decision making (The Neighbourhood Forum)
3) The opportunity to join working groups of residents to draft and consult upon priorities for our local plan
4) The opportunity to stand for election to the Management Committtee of the New Chadderton Partnership and then to be considered for officer roles such as secretary, treasurer, chair etc
Membership Criteria
We want to make membership as easy as possible, as long as you meet these basic criteria you can become a member
- Resident in Chadderton or Working in Chadderton or Chadderton Ward Councillor
- Aged 16+
- Agree to the aims and rules of membership
Please complete the online application form, below
Once you have submitted the form you will receive an automatic notification of reciept. Your application will be checked against the simple criteria, and you will recieve a welcome email within one month
Printed copies of the application form may be completed at the Chadderton Wellbeing Centre, but online applications help very much with our membership management