Mount Tabor Methodist Church

In June, the Methodist Church family held their final service here at Mount Tabor. The service was well attended and reflected the history of the Church life in our community. From its beginnings - originally being built by local quarry men and their families as a focal point for the then thriving quarry community. Regulars will know that the chapel building itself now is requiring significant support to meet current safety requirements, such that the church services moved into the Sunday school while the building was made safe. The trustees of the church decided that with the ever-decreasing size of congregation that the Methodist Mission work here is now complete.

All Services and Church groups etc. now take place at Highgate Methodist Church in Pellon. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Contact the circuit office for details / services / worship:

tel: 01422 359 639


The Methodist Circuit leadership team are working with the MTCA to discuss future support with the MTCA objective to Develop a Community Space for Everyone.

So far, many of you have told us that the Chapel, Sunday School and Graveyard are important to you and the future of out community because it is the only large indoors space for the community activity / groups and community focused support. The MTCA are currently preparing to request that Calderdale Council consider the community's interest in the buildings as an asset of community value. We need all sorts of help which can be advisory or practical, online or face to face. If you can help us with this, please bet in touch: | 07796 834 746 | Facebook: Mount Tabor Community Association