Flowers Covering Rules

Class 9 -Top vase is for a vase of flowers containing a total of between 5 and 10 stems, taken from a minimum of two different kinds of plants, which means two different plants not two variaties of the same flower, viewed all round.

The diplay will be judged out of 35 points, split 35 points for colour, form, condition, quality and freshness of the flowers on display and 10 points for overall presentation and effect of the plants in the vase. The vase will and has to be viewed in all directions and judging is to normal RHS rules.Plants in the display should be flowers only, no seed or berries. The vase can be any shape or size and any material, but must be in proportion to th display. No points are awarded for the vase. A vase, by definition, is any vessel that can beused to hold cut flowers and which is taller than it is wide at its widest point.

No accessories are allowed (ie bows or additional foliage). Natural foliagewhich is attached to the stemis allowed as is packaging material such as florists foam which is used to keep the stems upright.


Floral Arts Rules

Class 12 - Size 300mm by 300mm with max height of 200mm

Class 13 - Size 500mm max available width, no maximum height

Class 14 - Size 500mm max available width, no maximum height, Beginners class

All displays must not spread outside the dimensions given for each class as shown above. Judging will be to NAFAS rules.



Class 15 - Top Tray is a collection of vegetables set on a traynot more than 24" or 61cm wide containing four distinct kinds of vegetables sellected from the following:

5 potatoes, any variety           3 onions   

2 celery                                   5 tomatoes                           

9 shallots                                 2 leeks       

2 brassica, any variety            3 beetroot                         

5 broad beans                         5 dwarf beans

2 parsnips (3" tops approx)     1 cucumber            

5 pods of peas                         5 runner beans   

2 carrots (3 tops approx)         1 Marrow     

2 specimens of any vegetable not listed above 



Vegetarian alternatives are allowed to replace meet products

Quiche Lorainne can be made with gluten free pastry if you wish to do so.

Battenberg cake can be any flavour as long as it is check patten encased in marzipan

Crumpets to be between 75mm and 100mm round

Gluten free fruit scones any fruit is allowed

Men's Round Cherry Cake should use madera cake mix in a 7" tin

Children bakery cup cakes standard mix, it's about the imaginative decoration

Childrens rocky road, no bake and it's about ingredients and texture


Handicraft and Photography

No handicraft items or photographs that have been entered in previous shows are to be submitted in this year's show.

All photograph prints should be unmounted and unsigned, and are not to exceed 21 by 30 cm (A4). Each class has a limit of 2 prints per entrant.


General Rules

The management of theshow shall be governed by the committee. All entries have a fee of 50p each per exhibit, except all children's classes which are free to enter.

All classes have prize of 1st - £2.00, 2nd - £1.00 and 3rd - 50p except Foral Arts classes of 1st - £5.00, 2nd - £3.00 and 3rd - £1.00

Unless the schedule specifically states oterwise, any plant, flower, fruit or vegetable exhibited in the competition must be the property of the person in whose name it is entered, and must have been grown from seed by the exhibitor or been in his/her possession or cared for by him/her for at lease 3 months prior to the date of the show.

 In the case of a proffesional gardner entering produce from the garden in which he/she is employed  the exhibits must be entered in the name of the employer.

Any prize may be withheld or modified if the exhibits are considered unworthy of the prize offered. Points for classes are1st - 3 points, 2nd - 2 points and 3rd - 1point. No exibits can be entered in more than one class.

Exhibits must be staged between 9.00 am and 11.30 am on the day of the Show.   All stagihg must be competed  by 11.30 am when the hall will be closed for judging. The hall will re-open for the public at 2.00 pm. No exhibits should be removed before the end of the prize giving at around 4.00 pm.

The Committee has the sole right of alloting the various spaces for enteries.spaces. Exhibitors are to arrange their exhibits during the allotted time. Exhibitorsmust provide their own stands, dishes, etc to properly stage their exhibits. The Committee only undertake to provide staging and covering.

All exhibitors, personal property, etc, shall be at the risk of the exhibitors and the Society shall not be liable for compensation for loss or damage from any cause whatsoever.

 Should a show for any cause not be held, no exhibitor shall have any claim on the Society.

Numbers corresponding with the entries will be given to all exhibitors and they will be responsiblefor placingtheir number on each exhibit or dish.

All cups and trophies are to be retained by the winners for an 11 month and cannot be won outright, the trophies remain the property of the Society. The Committee asks that all trophies are returned to the Show Secretary in a clean condition 10 days before the next Show.

A table is provided in the hall for gifts, flowers or produce to be auctioned after the show in aid of the society.

The Show will be conducted in accordance with the rules and standards contained in the RHS handbook (latest addition) except under the accompnying schedule they do not apply. All protests must be in writing before 3.00pm and submitted to the Show Secretary with a fee of £2.00 which will be refunded if the claim is sustained.

It would be appreciatedif names of varieties, where known could be displayed with the exhibits.

Entries are to be submitted with the relevant entry monies on the official form only and photo copies are acceptable.