2013 Programme

Our programme for 2013 is

 Date  Subject  Speaker
 16 January  AGM - Swing Riots in Huntingdonshire       Nora Butler      
 20 February

Archaeology in Cambridgeshire - highlighting 

recent discoveries

 Stephen Macaulay
 20 March  The Edison Bell Gramophone Works in Huntingdon  David Cozens  
 24 April  Royal Newmarket & Palace House  Christopher Garibaldi
 22 May  History of the English Timber-Framed House  Alan Eade
 4 September   

 Lancelot 'Capability' Brown (1716-1783) -

 Local Hero & National Treasure 

 Jane Brown
 16 October  In & Out of the Workhouse in Huntingdon  Liz Carter
 13 November  The Katherine of Aragon Way  Matt Edgeworth
 4 December  The Montagus of Kimbolton  Roger Powell
Outings & Other Events
  7 January Katherine of Aragon Service, Kimbolton Castle, 3pm
 19 June  St Mary's Church, Wellingborough, and Wellingborough Museum
 10 July  Cambridge Guided Walk
Castle Opening
 3 March  1-4pm. KLHS members acting as Room Stewards
 3 November  1-4pm