Summer 2017 Show Results


The extremes of weather over the last ten days or so meant a reduction in entries in some of the flower classes but visitors to the show were still met by a colourful and perfumed display of roses and sweet peas when entering the show on Sunday. There were just under a hundred of exhibits from 16 exhibitors.

Rod Penelopy won Best in Show, the Rugs Cup, the Don Taylor Rose Bowl and the National Rose Society's Bronze Medal for his rose entries. Graham Townsend won the Sweet Pea Trophy and National Sweet Pea Society's medal for his Sweet Peas as well as the Master Class (four exhibits from five different sections). The Domestic Cup for most points in the Spring and Summer shows in Domestic and Preserves classes was won by Sue Towersey as well as first prize for her window box. The Floral Art was  won by Mary Redding. Finally David Ridgeway won the Presidents Cup for most points in show. The children's classes were won by Oliver and Kiran Shefford and Sophie Towersey who all won The Royal Horticultural Certificate and rosettes.

Entries into some of the classes were well down on previous years; the rose classes had been affected by the hot spell of weather followed by heavy rain.