For 20 years the History Group has collected, preserved, digitized, and disseminated local history information. A selection has also been put on the web. Watch a video introduction by selecting the village sign and then go to the other Goldhanger Past webpages...
go to Goldhanger Past website
this historical information can now also be accessed in PDF book form...
Goldhanger in the Past (first 7-pages only)
Ancient documents (40-pages) Historic Settlement extracts (11-pages) Past property sales (27-pages)
Early postcards (13 pages) Virtual Museum (15 pages) Virtual Library (19-pages)
Authors & Characters (10-pages) Cyril Southgate memories (11-pages) Author Miller Christy (5-pages)
Canon Francis Dodson (3-pages) Local farms (15-pages) Beckingham Hall (8-pages)
Salt extraction on the Blackwater (8-pages) Osea Island (9-pages) Zeppelin Busters (13-pages)
Timeless panorama scenes (6-pages) Timeline of historical events (6-pages)
Read Maura Benham's Goldhanger - an Estuary Village on-line (90 pages)
and watch Goldhanger postcards scenes (video on YouTube)