The Trust Deed under which the Festival Hall operates established a Management Committee consisting of 4 elected members, 10 representative members and up to 3 co-opted members.

The Committee for 2021/2022 is made up as follows:


elected members: John Moore (Chair) Sue Cowburn (Bookings Secretary) Joanne Smith (Treasurer )


Co-opted village representatives are Brian Cornthwaite, Derek , and Tracy Doyle

The user groups are represented on the committee by the following:


Cubs & Beavers - John Moore

Guides, Brownies & Rainbows 

WI - Louise Harrison

We Three Friends -Louise Harrison

FOGS - Vacant

Parish Council - Vacant

St. Mary's PCC - vacant

Toddlers' Playgroup - vacant

Mothers' Union & Monday Club - Hilda Waddington

Young Farmers - Vacant

Playground Committee - vacant