TSM Survey 2024

Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey 2024

Finsbury Park Housing Co-op (FPHC)

Summary of responses



The results printed below are for the FPHC Tenant Satisfaction Survey collated in April of 2024.


Overall FPHC received an approval rating of 70% based on the total returned surveys with 16.1% disapproval. The positive approval rating increases when only considering the first question (Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by FPHC?) with an 83.4% approval of the service against 16.7% disapproval.


The survey responses show the highest percentage approval for questions 1, 5 and 10 and a significant percentage disapproval for questions 3 and 6.


Maintenance scores well but there are clearly problems that could be addressed to make improvements with regard to individual cases, response times, management of service and the cyclical maintenance programme.


Communication between the management and the membership is an issue and there is room for improvement. The perception that the standard of care and provision varies from member to member is flagged in the comments.


There have been no complaints in the last 12 months.


When it comes to neighbourhood involvement and anti-social behaviour, the results are satisfactory.


In addition, the comments returned with the surveys by five members of the coop are included.



Total number of surveys sent 37

Total number of responses 18

Responses as a percentage 48.6%

Percentage of members who returned comments 13.5%



Overall spread as a percentage of total responses for all questions

(out of 180 answers)

Very satisfied 45%

Fairly satisfied 25%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 11.7%

Fairly dissatisfied 5.9%

Very dissatisfied 10.6%

Not applicable/ don’t know 2.2%


The following responses are recorded as a percentage of the total received for each question




Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by FPHC?


Number of responses for this question 18


Very satisfied 66.7%

Fairly satisfied 16.7%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0

Fairly dissatisfied 11.1%

Very dissatisfied 5.6%




Has FPHC carried out a repair to your home in the last 12 months?

Yes 17

No 1


If yes, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the overall repairs service from FPHC over the last 12 months?


Number of responses for this question 17


Very satisfied 52.9%

Fairly satisfied 17.6%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 11.8%

Fairly dissatisfied 5.9%

Very dissatisfied 11.8




Has FPHC carried out a repair to your home in the last 12 months?

Yes 17

No 1


If yes, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the time taken to complete your most recent repair after you reported it?


Number of responses for this question 17


Very satisfied 47.1%

Fairly satisfied 23.5%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 5.9%%

Fairly dissatisfied 0

Very dissatisfied 23.5%



How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that FPHC provides a home that is well maintained?


Number of responses for this question 18


Very satisfied 50%

Fairly satisfied 22.2%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 11.1%

Fairly dissatisfied 11.1%

Very dissatisfied 5.6%



Thinking about the condition of the property or building you live in, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you that FPHC provides a home that is safe?


Number of responses for this question 17


Very satisfied 58.8%

Fairly satisfied 17.6%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 5.9%

Fairly dissatisfied 11.8%

Very dissatisfied 5.9%

Not applicable/ don’t know 0



How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that FPHC listens to your views and acts upon them?


Number of responses for this question 18


Very satisfied 38.9%

Fairly satisfied 27.8%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 5.6%

Fairly dissatisfied 5.6%

Very dissatisfied 22.2%

Not applicable/ don’t know 0



How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that FPHC keeps you informed about things that matter to you?


Number of responses for this question 18


Very satisfied 44.4%

Fairly satisfied 22.2%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 16.7%

Fairly dissatisfied 5.6%

Very dissatisfied 11.1%

Not applicable/ don’t know 0



To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following “FPHC treats me fairly and with respect”?


Number of responses for this question 18


Strongly agree 33.3%

Agree 44.4%

Neither agree nor disagree 11.1%

Disagree 0

Strongly disagree 11.1%

Not applicable/ don’t know 0



Have you made a complaint to FPHC in the last 12 months?

Yes 0

No 18


If yes, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with FPHC’’s approach to complaints handling?


Number of responses for this question 1


Given that no-one meets the criteria for the first part of this question, the one response received to this question (very satisfied) has been omitted from the results



Do you live in a building with communal areas, either inside or outside, that FPHC is responsible for maintaining?

Yes 9

No 9

Don’t know 0


If yes, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you that FPHC keeps these communal areas clean and well maintained?


Number of responses for this question 9


Very satisfied 55.6%

Fairly satisfied 33.3%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0

Fairly dissatisfied 11.1%

Very dissatisfied 0



How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that FPHC makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood?


Number of responses for this question 16


Very satisfied 25%

Fairly satisfied 31.3%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 25%

Fairly dissatisfied 0

Very dissatisfied 6.3%

Not applicable/ don’t know 12.5%



How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with FPHC’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour?


Number of responses for this question 15


Very satisfied 20%

Fairly satisfied 20%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 33.3%

Fairly dissatisfied 6.7%

Very dissatisfied 6.7%

Not applicable/ don’t know 13.3%




May 2024