Old Gardeners, New Tricks on Zoom

Date Monday 15 November 2021
Time 20:00 to 21:00

On Monday 15th November on Zoom Cathy has managed to find an excellent speaker: Katherine Crouch was winner of the very first BBC Gardener of the Year award and then went on to win BBC Gardener of the Decade.  She started by opening her garden through the NGS scheme and was soon being asked to design other people’s gardens.  She now has a thriving garden design business.  Her talks are witty and entertaining and she says 'she has never had anyone fall asleep!'.  This talk will be on Old Gardeners and new tricks and will involve a demonstration of some of the tools she has found particularly handy.

Contact Contact name Cathy Flitter
Email catherine.flitter2@ntlworld.com
Telephone 07821277708
Cost Free to members