In 2021, Darwen Camera Club celebrated 125 years since its founding, on 8 May 1896 at Belgrave School.  Our first President was the Rev. Henry Irving, who held the post for the first five years (thanks to the Lancashire & Cheshire Photographic Union's archives for confirming this). 

Throughout our long history we have remained informal and friendly, appealing to photography enthusiasts young and old across the local community.  Whatever your photographic experience and ambition, if you're looking to improve your photography then Darwen Camera Club's weekly programme will have something to interest you.

In normal times, we usually meet on Mondays at 7:30pm, except for bank holidays and over Christmas. If we're going out for photography (occasionally during the winter but more regularly during the summer), then we meet at 6:30pm.  Very occasionally we may organise trips out on a different day of the week.  All such changes to our regular start time are communicated advance on this site and in the club programme.  Of course the coronavirus pandemic has forced us to adapt, and when restrictions are in place we hold regular meetings virtually via Zoom, with members joining directly from their homes.

Our evenings are themed each week, and we recommend anyone thinking of joining comes along to several of our meetings over the course of a month before committing to join.  This way you'll see a variety of subjects covered and also experience our informal monthly competition, which visitors may enter.  Whatever your expertise we're sure you will pick up useful tips and ideas which will help improve your images and make you a better photographer.  In addition to our club programme activities, members are able to (if they wish) enter regional competitions, seek national photographic accreditations, display their prints in the library in our annual exhibition and use club facilities, as well as joining us on our summer photographic evenings out.

Membership fees are kept as low as possible and all the monies raised through membership are reinvested in the club.  If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact us either by email ( or telephone (07831 683634) and we will be happy to help.  Our annual membership is currently £40 for individuals and £70 for a joint membership, payable in January each year.  Membership fees will be reviewed again at our next Annual General Meeting in January 2023.