
The allotments are located on land owned by the Parish of Bulmer known as Turnpike Piece at the junction of Church Road and the A131 and Park Lane.

Once a plot is allocated the tenant must sign and return one copy of the agreement before any activity commences on the said plot. There is a £10 returnable deposit for an entrance key and a returnable deposit of £50 to cover any costs in clearing the plot on termination.

Rents are charged at 22p per payable in arrears. This will increase to 24p per from September 2023. For the water usage a charge is made of the total usage pro-rata'd by all tenants, the standing charge is paid by the Council.

The current allotment officer is Mike Crome, who can be contacted on or via the Parish Clerk for any issues and plots available to rent. Plots will be inspected at frequent intervals to see that plot conditions being complied in accordance with the agreement.

You can alternatively contact the Parish Clerk via the details under Contact us or on the Home page.

To view a map of the allotments can be viewed here..........

Allotment Agreement can be viewed here..........