Monthly Programme for 2024 and 2025



1st February; Members' Composite Organ Recital at Aylesbury Methodist Church starting at 2.30pm.  This is being organised by Derrick Matthews.  Please contact him if you wish to participate by playing a piece of music not lasting more than 6 minutes.  The church will be open at 1.45pm for participants tosort out their registration needs.

22nd February; Visit Allen Organ Studio, Hughenden Valley. (Timing to be finalised).

22nd March; Visiting Wesley Methodist Church, High Wycombe, at 10.30am followed by visiting All Saints' Church, High Wycombe.

12th April; Visiting St. John's Church and another church (to be finalised) in Harpenden (Timing to be finalised).

17th May; Visiting St. Mary the Virgin Church, Great Brickhill, and St. George's Church, Wolverton (Timing to be finalised).

21st June; Visiting St. Andrew's Church and Holy Trinity Church, Headington (Timing to be finalised).

19th July; Visiting churches in north Buckinghamshire (Venus and timing to be finalised).

No meeting in August,

20th Sepember; Visiting St. Lawrence's Church, Bovington and St. Paul's Churrch, Chipperfield (Timing to be finalised).

18th October; AGM (Details to be finalised).

15th November; Annual lecture (venu & other details to be finalised).

No meeting in December