Mike Letch, Braintree Dictrict Council, Parish Clerk, and EALC

Death of Mike Letch, Braintree District Council, parish clerk, working with many councils and clerks in Essex in various capacities, including as a tutor for the EALC.

Mike Letch

It is with deep sorrow that we wish to inform you of the death of Mike Letch at Broomfield Hospital on 12th February 2024, following a short illness.
After leaving school, Mike started work at Marconi as an electronics engineer and then moved to work in the NHS in the pathology laboratory.  He was a Licentiate of the Royal Society of Chemistry and worked as a process chemist.  During this time, he studied for an MBA, which led to his move into public service.
Mike became a parish clerk in 2010, after he was made redundant from Braintree District Council, where he had worked for 15 years.  In the 14 years since then, he qualified with CiLCA and he worked with many councils and clerks in Essex in various capacities, including as a tutor for the Essex Association of Local Councils (EALC).  His extensive knowledge, dedication to the sector and dry sense of humour was appreciated by many.  He will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
A memorial and funeral service is being arranged and the date and details will follow.
“Don’t think of it as dying” said Death “just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush” – Terry Pratchett