The Coleman Challenge

In November 2020 Rev Sior Coleman set a challenge to members on Baverstock and Maypole Schools Memories Private Face book Group.

Lets make a publicly accessible archive

Our Facebook group has over 4,000 members and over 3,000 pieces of media however as a private Facebook group the rules are clear, "What goes on the group stays on the group" This coupled with General Data Protection Regulations 2018 enshrines our groups privacy setting in law.

But the Rev had a cunning plan. He had been made guardian of The Jean Payne Collection, a set of over 40 photo albums packed with rarely seen images from her many years as school secretary. These are the images that will form the foundation of the archive.

The challenge was accepted and a small band of helpers started to congregate.

Work began to scan all the images and upload them to this website

Many of the images are truly awesome and definitely tell the story of their time such as a computer in the typing room or a group of boys in chemistry lab in 1983 however we need your help to add more photos and context to the images. We need your stories to complete the picture.

 Register as a member today and join in the fun

Your role will be to add your photos to the archive and add any information you can

New photos will be added each week and there are a lot more left to scan and upload.

Our aim is to have the physical archive opened to the public on the 25th June 2025; and have a big party.

This date has been chosen because on the 25th June 2000 a time capsule was buried on school grounds.

With the demolition of school buildings imminent, a successful rescue mission was put into action to retrieve the capsule.

It has since been reburied somewhere in Druids Heath.

This opportunity is only available to members.

If you are an accademic /journalist/project manager etc we ask you to be patient.

If you have question Please email us at