'Balsall Heath Is Our Planet' is an alliance of groups and individuals in this inner city neighbourhood of Birmingham, which aims to develop and encourage projects that will reduce our carbon emissions, save energy and make the area more resiliant and sustainable.

2012 - Neighbourhood Energy Plan was our ground-breaking survey of the opportunities to make the area more energy efficient 

2013 - Created a wildflower meadow beside the River Rea, and a Bee Garden...

2014 - Thermal imaging survey to show heat loss in community buildings

2015 - Lottery-funded family learning opportunitiies in Balsall Heath

2016 - Pocket Park for Balsall Heath

2017 - Making a Change programme, energy, transport, nature etc

2018 - Building a Future programme; streets, green spaces, community buildings

2019 - Greener Spaces, Better Places programme, to look for ways to improve our parks and gardens

2020 - COVID19 suspended public activities, but we remain active online

2022 - Supporting formation of a Neighbourhood Council for Balsall Heath

2023 - Supporting Retrofit Balsall Heath to insulate homes

For up to date news on projects see our weblog for details http://balsallheathisourplanet.wordpress.com

John Newson, development officer


196-198 Edward Road, Balsall Heath
West Midlands
B12 9TX