
After the excitment of the AGM we held our prize giving and a big thank you to all who supported us by entering

EP Mary and Bob

Mary Fish receiving the EP trophy from our newly elected chairman Bob Fish


POTY Barry

Barry Inman winner of the POTY receiving his trophy from Bob Fish.


Just for fun 

Pete Webster receiving his cup as winner of our new competition Just for Fun from Bob Fish.


On Sunday 19th May we held the first Individual Print Competition at Nettleham Village Hall.

The winners were

Commended  Blue Tit in the Breeze by David Chapman of Lincoln CC

Commended Leadenhall Market by Steve Chapman of RB foto

Highly Commended Rotterdam Architecture Cube Houses  by Diane Seddon of Cleethorpes

Runner up Urban Jungle by George Lill of Cleethorpes

Winner King Penguins by Stewart Haynes of RB foto.


Thank you to everyone who entered and to those who came to the competition it was a great afternoon.


Congratulations to all the winners.


Kind regards

Gail Wrigg

LPA President


COMPETITION 10 Judge, Colin Lusby

Photo of the Year (P.O.T.Y)
Your best images of the year, or new images.

The Deputy Chairman Dave Neale introduced the judge for the evening. Most members will be aware of Colin as he has judged our competitions many times over the years. Colin did remark how good it was to be invited in the beautiful spring weather, as he is usually invited in the depth of win- ter on cold, frosty evenings.

This is an open competition, and members can submit 4 prints in any com- bination of Colour or Mono.

17 members attended the meeting in anticipation of hearing what Colin had to say about their images and hoping that theirs was to be the winning entry, or held back for further comments.

14 members entered 56 images giving Colin a difficult task in selecting the winning one. He held back 22 to reconsider giving them a further look before awarding them marks, 10 were awarded 18 marks, seven awarded 19 marks and five awarded 20 marks. His final choice as the winner of the competition was Barry Inman’s Alpha Male, declared the Photo of the Year. Barry also had two more 20’s with “Head- ing into Battle” and “Sunset roost”. Two others making the five were Mary Fish “Heron with an itch” and Sue Cross “Wannabe Gangsters”

barry and colin


COMPETITION 9 Judge Martin Wrigg

Humorous (digital) just for fun

The Chairman introduced Martin Wrigg to the 22 members present. It was Martins first visit to the club as a judge.

Nine members entered 18 images in the colour section. Martin held back seven and gave 17 marks to two, 18 marks to two, 19 marks to two. One image received 20 marks, that was Gerry Kemp “The Fool” being the winner.

In the mono section nine entrants entered 17 images. Martin held back 11 and gave 17 marks to four, 18 marks to two, 19 marks to three. He selected two images to receive 20 marks each. Mary Fish’s “Who stole my bike” and Mary Fish’s “Curious Barn Owl”. The overall winning image was Mary Fish’s “Who stole my bike”.

After some deliberation Martin judged the winners of the colour and mono sections, Gerry Kemp’s “The Fool” and Mary Fish’s “Who stole my bike” giving the overall winner to Mary and presenting her with the monthly trophy.

The Chairman thanked Martin for judging the Clubs 9th competition of the season. Martin commented on the high standard of the photographs entered making his decisions on the marking very difficult.

mary EP9


COMPETITION 8. Judge Diane Seddon

The Nifty Fifty (print) Using only a 50mm (or equivalent) lens, with no cropping.

The Chairman introduced Diane Seddon to the 18 members present. Diane has been many times as a judge for the club’s competitions. 

12 members entered 23 images in the colour section. Diane held back eight images and gave 18 marks to one, 19 marks to two with two images receiving 20 marks Robert Fish “Stick insect”, Robert Fish “The twins”. The overall winner was Robert Fish’s “Stick insect”,

In the mono section 10 members entered 20 images. Diane held back eight images and gave 18 marks to 3, 19 marks to 2 and 2 images receiving 20 marks, Mary Fish “Great Grey Owl”, Peter Sedgewick “Eric Blood Axe”. The overall winner Peter Sedgewick “Eric Blood Axe”.

After some deliberation she judged Peter Sedgewick’s “Eric Blood Axe”, as the overall winner of the night and presented Peter with the monthly trophy.

The Chairman thanked Diane once again for judging the Clubs 8th competition of the season. She commented on the very high standard of the photographs entered and said they get better on each of her visits.

Diane and Pete march 2024


COMPETITION 7 Judge David Neve

Native Species. Plants or animals native to the UK.

The Chairman introduced David Neve to judge the prints entered by members.

He also said that David was making his second visit to the club, his first was

when the club first opened.

He asked David to introduce himself as very few members would recall his first visit.

“My first photographic journey started whilst at Sixth Form College in 2001/2002 producing video diaries of my work experience at a local nature re- serve. After leaving College I attended Riseholme College and began to concen- trate more on still images. I then decided to take a 2-year photography course at Lincoln University earning top grades and awarded the Best Overall Student Award in 2004. Soon after completing the course, I was awarded both the Licentiateship Award with the Royal Photographic Society and the British Professional Photographic Association award.

In 2009 I was introduced to HRH The Princess Royal, Princess Anne who was very complementary about my work. Over time my work has been featured in numerous magazines as well as in exhibitions and publications around the world as well as in the UK, the most recent exhibition being at The Photography Show at Birmingham NEC”.

24 members attended the evening. 12 members entered 23 images in the colour section. David held back 11 images and gave 18 marks to four, 19 marks to four and three images received 20 marks. The overall winner was Gerry Kemp with “Longhorns”.

In the mono section eight entrants entered 15 images. David held back seven and gave 18 marks to two, 19 marks to one and four images received 20 marks. The overall winner was Mary Fish. “Heron, when you have an itch”.

After much deliberation he judged Mary Fish’s “Heron, when you have an itch”. To be the winning entry of the night.

David ended the evening by congratulating the members on the very high standard of photography by the club. He said he hoped that one day he would be invited back to judge another competition.

Mary and Dave Neve

David Neve presenting the Monthly trophy to Mary Fish