Check back here or follow us on twitter for updates on opportunities and call outs relating to upcoming APS projects.

Surrey Dance 21

Call out: Film Maker

We are seeking a film maker to oversee a call for, collection and editing of a series of largely crowd-sourced short films featuring local people that promote a love of dancing and that can be used in a year-long social media campaign to promote the health, social and wellbeing benefits of dance as part of our Surrey Dance 21 programme.

Please send expressions of interest to:
Provide examples of past work and an up to 100 word statement about your approach to the commission.

Fee: £1200

Application deadline: Tuesday 17 September 2019

Download full information sheet here

Surrey Dance 21

Call out: Designer/Illustrator/Artist

We are seeking a designer / illustrator / artist to create a piece of artwork / logo to represent our programme Surrey Dance 21 

We wish to develop a look and feel that: 

  • Can be used on print material as well as on a variety of different social media platforms and websites. 
  • Clearly communicates ‘dance, movement and wellbeing’ 
  • Has a broad appeal 
  • Is distinctive and clearly recognisable 
  • Contemporary, artistic feel 

Please send expressions of interest to:
Provide examples of past work and an up to 100 word statement about your approach to the commission.

Fee: £900

Application deadline: Tuesday 17 September 2019

Download full information sheet here 

Surrey Dance 21

Call out: Web designer 

We are seeking designer to design and build an Arts Partnership Surrey ‘Surrey Dance 21’ website. 
We wish to develop a website that: 

  • Promotes dance to the people and communities across Surrey 
  • Is well designed (intuitive, ‘clean’ look and feel) 
  • Is accessible to all 
  • Signposts people to dance activities, classes and performances in their local area through an interactive map 
  • Hosts short films created to promote dance and movement activities 
  • Hosts a gallery of dance images 
  • Hosts a timeline of dance related activities, projects, performances and programmes 
  • Host an archive of numbered SyD21 projects 
  • Links to other websites 
  • Links to Social media 
  • Enables us to upload content on a daily / weekly basis 

Please send expressions of interest to:
Provide examples of past work and an up to 100 word statement about your approach to the commission.

Fee: up to £2500

Application deadline: Tuesday 17 September 2019

Download full information sheet here