CEE PP 2000-2001

  1. Ice is a solid. When it is heated it  and becomes water. Water is a    which boils at 100°C. It turns into a    called steam. When steam cools it    and turns back into water. At 0°C water    and turns into ice.
  2. A rectangular block of 10cm x 10cm x 8cm aluminium has a mass of 2160 g. The density of aluminium is g/cm3. The mass of a block of gold the same size is g. (density of gold is 19.3 g/cm3).
  3. A lorry holds 5m3 of ready-mixed concrete. The mass of the concrete is 4000kg. What isthe density of the concrete?kg/m3.
  4. What is the mass of a rectangular iron block (density 7.9 g/cm3), 10cm x 20cm x 30cm?kg.




 Use the kinetic theory model of a metal to explain how a metal conducts thermal energy (heat).


 The linetic theory assumes that the molecules in a material are constantly in motion.

 a) What evidence do we have to support this assumption?

 b) How does the kinetic energy explain the fact that liquids cool down as they evaporate?