Stitch in Time returns to a new venue...

Monday 02 March 2020


Stitch in Time

TTK's sociable repair, alteration and upcycling workshop, a STITCH IN TIME, can help you to: 

 - keep useful clothes and fabrics out of landfill,

- give new life to old favourites,

- save money,

- be creative - and have fun.

If you’d like to learn to sew, or you have sewing skills you’d like to share, please come along on the first Monday evening of every month.                           

All welcome to drop in for an hour or two with a making, altering or mending project for help or advice, or to share your skills and expertise with others. We won’t do the sewing for you - we’ll just show you how and share our kit, sewing machines, and occasional seasonal or creative projects...

The Circulatory is on the industrial estate next to Berrylands Station and visible from the road - coming out of the Station, turn right.


         Stitch in Time2

The Circulatory, Berrylands