Meeting for interested groups in Jan 2014

We've just published the notes from our meeting in January for potential tenants and hirers at  It's fairly clear from those that we don't currently have the capacity to rent the Sorting Office space (which at current rent and conditions may not be viable anyway), and we need to re-focus on the longer term prospects for the Old Post Office, a discussion which continued at our steering group meeting on 3rd February.

Our application for a small award to help with admin and printing costs, which would assist with further community engagement and fund-raising, will be considered at Kingston Town Neighbourhood meeting on Wed 5th Feb. 7.30pm at the Guildhall. Council officers are recommending that our application is turned down and one or two of the steering group will be going along in the hope of changing minds.

08:52, 04 Feb 2014 by Marilyn Mason